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Surviving The Times

Quotables - Surviving the Times


Inspired, In-Spirit Publishing 2015

"Now bugging cause the label just dropped Def Jam

Could you picture Russel needing a check, man?

But he's smart. He plotted a plan for Polygram

Life is ill, again, life's a movie

Then the roster's Cypress Hill, Nas, and Fugees

Before I sold records, no promotion

The rap world like, 'What's all this commotion?'

Went plat, mad bottles I'm toasting

20/20 hindsight, but how did they know then?"

-Nas, Surviving the Times

Start Your Own Business

The quotables is a little long this morning, but I wanted you to really get the gist of what we will be discussing today. In the first two bars, we see Russell Simmons, music mogul needing to plot a new plan because a label dropped Def Jam.

The younger generation, cannot understand, there was a time when Russell Simmons or Nas was simply surviving the times. At this point in time, they would be considered in the start up phase of their business.

Nas asks a profound question. He states "20/20 hindsight, but how did they know then?" How did Columbia know that Nas would still be making hits over twenty years later?

The answer is, they didn't. Russell Simmons knew his business venture would be successful, but had no idea he would be a music mogul. As for Diddy, when he got fired from Uptown Records, he could only hope he would hit big. Did he know he would become an icon? No.

Here is the thing. Every big icon, or entity that we are familiar with today, was once a start up. When Beyonce was with Destiny's child, there was a time, the only performance they could book was in Beyonce's mother's hair salon. Someone had to take a chance, see the potential in them, and invest. Think about Apple. There was a time when you wouldn’t think of purchasing Apple anything. You hear all the success stories. They were all humble beginnings.

People are fickle. They love to invest in the things that are already flourishing. This is because they lack the clarity needed to see the POTENTIAL in something new. Consider the idea, that if people took the time, to listen to someone's dream, more startups would flourish.

We live in a society where large conglomerates eat up Mom and Pop establishments. These greedy conglomerates, who no longer see people for human beings, but as capital, lose that sense of humanity, when it becomes too big.

As a village, consider the start up and some of its flaws, to be like a baby needing to be nurtured. The entire village should commit to trying to invest in that baby, to transform it into a viable entity. Oftentimes that investment is more time or resources than it is financial.

Is there a start up that you can invest in? Is there a local artist that you can take the time out to listen to? Is there an event in which this is first time something is debuting? Is there an author you can patronize by purchasing and reading their novel? (Pick me! Pick me!) Is there an entrepreneur with an awesome idea that just needs someone to support them by not crushing their "unborn" idea?

If so, this is the time to invest. It's obvious, that many of us lack the network we need, in order to be successful in our aspirations. Let us create a network in which we cannot just promote ourselves, but PROMOTE EACH OTHER! This is the only viable way this can work.

It will only be when we, African Americans, work together in solidarity, that we will be able to prove that we, as a people matter.The world will know it, because we will DEMONSTRATE, that we are able to unite in each others interests. Not just for our own selfish agenda. If the crabs in the barrel, understood how to form a link, every single one of them would be able to escape captivity. We, as created beings have that ability. Now, let's show the world that we matter, because we believe that the dreams of our brothers and sisters matter.

As Always,

Be Blessed and Bless Others


ERIN N. SIMON is a writer, blogger, and visionary in raising the conscious level within the African American Community. One of her passions is to create a Black Media that truly matters, is promotable, and shared with as many people as possible. In 2013, She and her husband started Inspired, In-Spirit Ministries where they have a real estate arm in Detroit Michigan. They have recently started a Publishing Company called Inspired, In-Spirit Publishing which have two published books on their shelves; Interruption: Shae's Search & Interruption: Interlude. The Series Finale Interruption: Alter Ego will be published at the end of July 2015. Her husband has a company known as GS Investments in which financial freedom is gained one investment at a time. She currently resides in Florida with her husband and three handsome sons...

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